The EPP congress in France
On May 30 and 31, the European Pig Producers' Association held its annual congress in Nantes on the theme “ How to engage the consumer”. The event offered a unique opportunity to discover the latest innovations in the pork industry. Cooperl supported the event as a gold sponsor.
Three days of sharing and discovery
The congress took place over three days, combining field visits and technical presentations. Participants had the opportunity to visit companies in the Grand Ouest region. In Lamballe, for example, Cooperl teams visited the Bulle Cooperl Environnement and the Cooperl Equipements showroom.
Topics at the heart of the cooperative's concerns
Naturally, the environmental footprint of pork production (ammonia emissions, greenhouse gas emissions), animal welfare and food safety were at the heart of the discussions! And just as well, Cooperl has a lot to say on the subject... In fact, the company has been making a remarkable effort to innovate on environmental issues for almost 40 years.
A strategic and economic challenge
This congress represents a major strategic challenge. By bringing together European pork producers, the aim is not only to strengthen international collaboration, but also to stimulate innovation and competitiveness in the European pork sector. Participants left impressed by the actions and solutions proposed by the cooperative!